The Learning Post

Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

Why LAPs are a game-changer!

Dive into our latest blog post where we explore the transformative power of Learning Activity Pockets (LAPs) for the classroom. Discover how these ingenious tools not only save time and cut costs but also boost student engagement and simplify content differentiation.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

Beyond File Folders:

Explore the shift in special education resources with our in-depth look at Learning Activity Pockets (LAPs) versus traditional file folder activities. Discover how LAPs enhance interactive learning and provide a cost-effective, customizable solution for diverse educational needs.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

The Mirror of Growth

In the ever-evolving world of teaching, there stands a steadfast pillar: the power of self-reflection. This post delves into its transformative effects on educators, from enhancing teaching techniques to overcoming feelings of imposter syndrome. As John Dewey insightfully remarked, learning stems not merely from experience but from reflecting upon it. This reflection-driven journey is pivotal for educators aiming for both personal and professional growth.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

10 Powerful Affirmations

Discover 10 empowering affirmations for educators to start each day with renewed confidence and positivity. From shaping the future one student at a time to embracing continuous growth, these affirmations remind teachers of their profound impact and the importance of self-care.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

Rising Above Colleague Comparisons

In today's interconnected world, educators often find themselves unintentionally comparing their abilities and achievements with those of their peers, leading to feelings of inadequacy. "Rising Above Peer Comparisons" offers actionable steps for educators to navigate and overcome such comparisons, emphasizing the importance of self-growth, collaboration, and embracing the unique journey each educator embarks on.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

Navigating Extreme Self-Doubt

Throughout the challenging journey of education, many educators grapple with feelings of self-doubt and question their achievements, often attributing their successes to luck rather than their hard work and dedication. These feelings, part of the larger phenomenon known as Impostor Syndrome, can stifle growth, limit potential, and hinder performance. In this post, we'll dive into understanding the intricacies of Impostor Syndrome and explore actionable strategies to overcome its grip and truly shine as educators.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

Enhancing Dialogue

Discover 6 strategies to enhance teacher-parent communication. From understanding cultural sensitivities to rethinking traditional parent meetings, this blog offers actionable tips to enhance communication.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

Classroom Rules: What Really Works?

Explore the science behind effective classroom rules and their impact on student behavior. From the importance of teaching and enforcing rules to the role of positive vs. negative phrasing, this article delves into research-backed strategies for educators.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

PPM 140: Supporting ASD Students with ABA

Unlock the intricacies of Ontario's PPM 140 with our free microlearning course. Dive deep into the methods of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and enhance your understanding of this pivotal educational policy.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

5 Essential Tips to Supporting Students with Special Needs

Discover 5 essential back-to-school strategies for educators to support students with special learning needs. From embracing differentiated instruction and visual schedules to collaborating with specialists, this guide offers actionable steps to create an inclusive classroom environment where every student thrives.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

Building Bridges

Discover effective strategies for connecting with students with specialized learning needs. This post offers educators five essential but simple tips, from active listening to shared activities, ensuring every student feels understood and valued.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis


Explore The LearningPost, your go-to resource for special needs teaching strategies and insights. Dive into our four pillars of effective teaching, from professional development to adaptability, ensuring every student's success. Join our community as we navigate the ever-evolving world of education, offering tools and tips tailored for special needs educators

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