The Learning Post

Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

Rising Above Colleague Comparisons

In today's interconnected world, educators often find themselves unintentionally comparing their abilities and achievements with those of their peers, leading to feelings of inadequacy. "Rising Above Peer Comparisons" offers actionable steps for educators to navigate and overcome such comparisons, emphasizing the importance of self-growth, collaboration, and embracing the unique journey each educator embarks on.

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Piero Evfremidis Piero Evfremidis

Navigating Extreme Self-Doubt

Throughout the challenging journey of education, many educators grapple with feelings of self-doubt and question their achievements, often attributing their successes to luck rather than their hard work and dedication. These feelings, part of the larger phenomenon known as Impostor Syndrome, can stifle growth, limit potential, and hinder performance. In this post, we'll dive into understanding the intricacies of Impostor Syndrome and explore actionable strategies to overcome its grip and truly shine as educators.

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